Mental Health and Wellbeing - eLearning
Experience Interactive Food Safety eLearning: Engaging Courses for a Safer Food Industry - From Level 1 to Level 3.
Experience Interactive Food Safety eLearning: Engaging Courses for a Safer Food Industry - From Level 1 to Level 3.
ADHD is a chronic condition that creates a range of persistent symptoms such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour. The course covers the definitions of ADHD, the different types of ADHD and how to recognise some key signs and symptoms. It’ll also talk about how ADHD is diagnosed and treated, and offer some useful information about how to live with ADHD.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Define the types of ADHD and recognise the numerous symptoms that need to be exhibited to help with diagnosis.
• Understand that that ADHD is chronic condition that runs from childhood right through to adulthood.
• State the methods of assessment that lead to diagnosis.
• Identify treatment regimes, from therapy to medical intervention.
• Understand how symptoms can be managed and how an individual with ADHD can be helped.
Target Audience
This course will prove useful to anyone who works with or has regular contact with children or adults with ADHD.
This course awards 2 CPD Points.
This course will provide you with an understanding of what autism is and how it affects a child’s daily life. It will touch on what factors contribute towards a child developing autism as well as some of the typical behaviours associated with it and how to can provide effective support for those with the condition. It also discusses what happens during the diagnosis process, some of the intervention methods that can help manage the condition and suggests some simple adaptations you can make to improve a child with autism’s day to day life.
Target Audience
People working in adult and child care environments.
Those working in all areas of care may come into contact with people who has Autistic Spectrum Disorders ASD.
Although the course focuses on children with autism, having an awareness of the condition and how best to provide support to someone with ASD will be of use to anyone who interacts with and cares for children and adults as part of their work.
Having a knowledge of the typical behaviours and challenges associated with ASD can equip you to identify these and act in a supportive way.
CPD approval means that this course can be used by those that need to prove they are continually developing themselves.
Online training is flexible, efficient and cost effective meaning the candidate can progress through the modules at their own pace and in their own time, so they can fit the training in around their work and personal life.
This course awards 2 CPD Points.
This course is intended to give you an overview of the common types and symptoms of dementia as well as going into how it can affect the brain in different ways. It also covers strategies to use with clients with dementia and dealing with challenging behaviour. The course is intended for anyone who works with or around people that may be living with dementia.
Dementia is used to describe the symptoms that occur when the brain is affected by specific diseases and conditions.
Dementia is a chronic progressive problem of cognition – which is failure of the brain’s functions. IT affects people at different stages of life, it affects different parts of the brain and it affects it at different speeds.
This course is intended to give you an overview of the common types and symptoms of dementia as well as going into how it can affect the brain in different ways.
It also covers strategies to use with clients with dementia and dealing with challenging behaviour.
The course is intended for anyone who works with or around people that may be suffering with dementia.
This course awards 2 CPD Points.
Over 350 million people in the world are affected by depression. This online course will raise awareness of depression and how it can be recognised, diagnosed, classified and treated.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Understand what Depression is and have an understanding of the diagnosis process.
• Recognise the causes and symptoms in adults, children and teenagers.
• Learn the different management techniques used and the support available.
• Recognise the impact of depression on the individual and those around them such as friends and family.
Target Audience
This course is aimed at people in the health and social care sector that would like to increase their awareness of Depression to improve the care they give. It is also written in a way that is accessible to people outside of health and social care and does not assume any prior knowledge of the condition.
Online training is flexible, efficient and cost effective meaning the candidate can progress through the modules at their own pace and in their own time, so they can fit the training in around their work and personal life.
This course awards 2 CPD Points.
When people have good mental health, they are more likely to fulfil their potential. That means they enjoy work and cope easily with work situations. They have a happy family life and good social relationships. This course covers the steps that organisations should consider when developing and implementing a comprehensive workplace Mental Health Policy.
Course Description
Organisations are required by law to promote and protect the mental well-being of their workforce.
A comprehensive Mental Health Policy, along with easy-to-understand operating procedures, will incorporate mental health issues into established organisational thinking. It will make sure everyone knows how the organisation views and deals with workplace mental health.
This course covers the steps that organisations should consider when developing and implementing a comprehensive workplace Mental Health Policy.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Understand what a Mental Health Policy in the Workplace is.
• Explain what the policy should include and who in the workplace should be included in its creation and implementation.
• Define how the policy will be implemented and how employees will understand the policy and how it applies to them.
• Recognise that the policy will need constant review to ensure that it will be effective for all employees.
This course awards 2 CPD Points.
Diabetes is a serious lifelong health condition that occurs when the amount of glucose, or sugar, in the blood is too high. If left untreated, high blood glucose levels can cause serious health complications. This course is aimed at people working in the health and social care sector and will provide an overview of the condition, the common symptoms that might indicate someone has diabetes, methods of diagnosis, some possible treatments and common complications that can affect those with the condition.
Diabetes can develop in anyone at any point in their life although there are certain groups and age ranges where it is more common. There are a range of symptoms that could indicate that someone had Diabetes, these range from excessive thirst to feeling more tired than usual.
It is believed that up to 26% of residential and nursing home residents have Diabetes so being able to recognise the symptoms and knowing how you can help them to manage the condition is essential.
This course is aimed at people working in the health and social care sector and will provide an overview of the condition, the common symptoms that might indicate someone has diabetes, methods of diagnosis, some possible treatments and common complications that can affect those with the condition.
This course awards 2 CPD Points.
A duty of care is the requirement that all health and social care professionals, and organisations providing health and care services, must put the interests of service users first. This course will give you an introduction to the concept of duty of care, cover how duty of care affects your work, what to do if you come across a duty of care dilemma and where to go for support or advice along with some practical examples of duty of care situations.
Working in the health and social care sector involves working with lots of different people with a variety of needs, dependencies, backgrounds and wishes.
As a care worker, you have a duty of care towards all the people you are involved with, during your working hours.
This means you have to employ a reasonable level of care, to ensure they are kept safe from harm, abuse and injury.
This course will give you an introduction to the concept of duty of care, cover how duty of care affects your work, what to do if you come across a duty of care dilemma and where to go for support or advice along with some practical examples of duty of care situations.
This course awards 2 CPD Points.
This course is intended to provide you with the information you need to understand and spot the signs of drug and alcohol misuse. It covers the legal and social implications for the individual and for your company if you find out an employee is misusing drugs. This course discusses the law, different types of drugs, and policies that can be put in place to protect yourself, your business and your employees.
The course also explains how the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) can help with effective alcohol and drugs policies and the development of related management skills.
Finally, it looks at current drug treatments and the options for outside support available to individuals and organisations.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Understand the scale of drug and alcohol abuse and recognise the signs of misuse leading to effects on the employee and the workplace.
• Recognise your legal positions and recognise an effective policy will help to address employees with an addiction problem.
• Define best practice in an effective policy to address your company position on drug and alcohol abuse and what help is available.
• Identify the 4 step process in regards to dealing with individuals with alcohol issues.
Target Audience
This course is aimed at managers and staff in all industries who have a critical role to play in reducing
drug, alcohol and substance misuse in the UK.
This course awards 3 CPD Points.
The course will start by defining dignity and privacy within the healthcare sector, and will explain how the two are quite often linked. It will then go on to give you a range of useful professional tips about setting up the right working relationship with your service users, and discuss some of the issues that can arise when dignity and privacy are not respected.
There are two crucial attributes you must have when working with people in a caring, supportive environment.
First, all service users must be treated with dignity and the second crucial attribute is privacy.
This course awards 2 CPD Points.
This course will provide you with information about what to expect, how to handle some of the emotions associated with this time, and working with the other professionals involved in end of life care.
End of life care should be several things, compassionate, cost effective, holistic and effective.
There are usually a number of people involved in the care of people at the end of their life and it can be a difficult process to be part of.
This course awards 2 CPD Points.
This course will give you an overview of epilepsy. It lists the methods of diagnosis, what a seizure is and how the brain can be affected. It will introduce some possible seizure triggers and describe what to do when someone has a seizure. It will also discuss some of the treatments offered to people with epilepsy and provide practical advice on what you can do if you witness someone having a seizure.
Epilepsy is a neurological condition that affects the brain and the nervous system and is covered by the Equality Act 2010. The condition can affect people for only a portion of their life, or it can be lifelong. Because of the varied nature of the condition an awareness of epilepsy and the actions you can take if you are present during a seizure is incredibly useful for those who work in health and social care.
This course will give you an overview of epilepsy. It lists the methods of diagnosis, what a seizure is and how the brain can be affected. It will introduce some possible seizure triggers and describe what to do when someone has a seizure. It will also discuss some of the treatments offered to people with epilepsy and provide practical advice on what you can do if you witness someone having a seizure.
Target Audience
This course is aimed primarily at people working in the care sector with children or adults however anyone who would like to expand their knowledge or understand what to do if they see someone have a seizure should take this course.
This course is also a great one to do alongside first aid training as it expands on the information relating to seizures that is usually taught as part of first aid.
Having a knowledge of Epilepsy and the different types of seizure and the actions you can take if you are present during a seizure will allow you to take a proactive role in ensuring the person is kept safe and as comfortable as possible.
This course awards 2 CPD Points.
This course will start by defining infection prevention and control and explaining the impact of good and bad infection control. It then goes into detail about the legislation that applies to infection control, the different types of microorganisms, how bacteria are transmitted, the chain of infection, and much more…
Infection prevention and control measures aim to ensure the protection of those who might be vulnerable to acquiring an infection…. Ok but why is this important?
Well, every year at least 300,000 people develop a Health Care Associated Infection.
This has a huge impact on the patient, the staff and the institution it occurs in. Whereas if there is good infection prevention and control, patients will have better health and more independence.
This course will start by defining infection prevention and control and explaining the impact of good and bad infection control. It then goes into detail about, the legislation that applies to infection control, the different types of microorganisms, how bacteria are transmitted, the chain of infection, and much more.
This course awards 2 CPD Points.
This Introduction to the Safe Handling of Medicines course will start by explaining the key terminology used when handling medicines. It then goes into detail about the roles of the people involved, some of the different groups of medicines, providing different levels of support to patients, infection control, label interpretation and much more.
This course awards 2 CPD Points.
This course will start by giving you an overview of some of the common types and causes of learning disabilities and how they affect people. It will touch on how a person centred approach to care will get the best results and look at how management must perform, and at the needs of the individual. I will also discuss overcoming the stigma attached to learning disabilities and much more.
There are many differing types of learning difficulty and they can exhibit in many different ways and with many different characteristics.
This course will start by giving you an overview of some of the common types and causes of learning disabilities and how they affect people. It will touch on how a person centred approach to care will get the best results and look at how management must perform, and at the needs of the individual.
It will also discuss overcoming the stigma attached to learning disabilities and much more.
This course awards 2 CPD Points.
This course describes in detail the many facets and procedures of the Mental Capacity Act. This includes who the act affects, when it applies, how to assess capacity and the procedures that can be put in place in the home or workplace to ensure best practices are followed and people are treated fairly at all times.
It also introduces the deprivation of liberty safeguards. These safeguards provide a framework for approving the deprivation of liberty for people who lack the capacity to consent to treatment or care in either a hospital or care home setting.
This course awards 3 CPD Points.
This course explains the difference between mental health and mental illness. It covers the symptoms of a number of the most common mental illnesses so you will know what to look out for or what to expect if you are working with someone with one of these conditions. As well as providing some practical advice on how you can work effectively with those affected by these conditions.
People often equate the words mental health with mental illness and there are many definitions of what mental health actually is.
Mental health issues can happen to anyone despite social background, intelligence, gender or other factors.
This course explains the difference between mental health and mental illness. It covers the symptoms of a number of the most common mental illnesses so you will know what to look out for or what to expect if you are working with someone with one of these conditions.
As well as providing some practical advice on how you can work effectively with those affected by these conditions.
This course awards 2 CPD Points.
Mental Health First Aid teaches participants how to notice and support individuals who may be experiencing mental health issues or exhibiting the signs of substance use in a work environment. They are also taught how to connect those people with appropriate help from fellow employees, community resources or healthcare professionals.
But it is still a significant problem. Mental Health First Aid teaches participants how to notice and
support individuals who may be experiencing mental health issues or exhibiting the signs of substance use in a work environment.
They are also taught how to connect those people with appropriate help from fellow employees, community resources or healthcare professionals.
The course introduces the subject and outlines the benefits of Mental Health first aid and workplace wellness schemes.
It then goes on to cover the effects of stress on individuals and teams and discusses how stress and mental health are linked.
It then covers the roles of employers, managers and employees in ensuring that a Mental Health First Aid programme is successful. It concludes with a series of practical examples of how to apply mental health first aid to real situations, how to support employees who are experiencing mental health issues and where to point them for further help and advice.
This course awards 3 CPD Points.
This course explains the key elements, procedures and activities involved in successful Occupational Health and Safety Management in the workplace. The course show how professional Occupational Health and Safety Management benefits individuals and organisations.
You’ll discover the importance of a Health Needs Assessment and how it leads to the development of a Heath Management Strategy.
On a more practical level, the course will look at hazards, risks, controls and ‘Safe Systems of Work’ and the role played by health risk assessments.
Turning to workplace well-being, we’ll explain how to promote healthy lifestyles and positive mental health.
You’ll learn how to manage absences from work, both authorised and unauthorised, how to create an official Attendance Policy, manage the return-to-work process and deal effectively with absenteeism.
Finally, the course discusses the steps needed to develop and build a strong health and well-being culture, including leadership, communication, work-life balance and embracing change.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Understand what Occupational Health and Safety is along with the benefits of promoting a healthy organisation.
• Create Health Management Strategies and collaborate with professionals for effective implementation.
• Define Employee well-being, risk factors and understand the importance of promoting a positive culture around occupational health.
• Create Risk assessments and understand when and where they are needed and the process to create effective assessments.
Target Audience
This course is aimed at supervisors and managers who are responsible for the health and wellbeing of their employees.
This course awards 3 CPD Points.
This course will look at supervising stress and mental health at work and show you how to create a good mental health culture in your workplace.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Define the term Mental Health and understand the impact of poor Mental Health in the workplace.
• Understand workplace factors relating to Mental Health issues.
• Learn how to create Risk Assessments and how to implement them successfully.
• Introduce the role of a Mental Health Aider and how they can help to implement successful mental health policies and work culture.
Target Audience
This course is aimed at supervisors and line managers who are interested in getting a basic awareness of mental health at work and want to use this knowledge to create a positive mental health culture in their workplace.
Online training is flexible, efficient and cost effective meaning the candidate can progress through the modules at their own pace and in their own time, so they can fit the training in around their work and personal life.
This course awards 2 CPD Points.
Stress is a real problem for both organisations and their employees. It accounts for a significant proportion of work related illness each year. Being aware of the signs of stress, some of the triggers and how to manage them can make a real difference to your wellbeing and that of people around you. This course will cover an introduction to stress and why it’s a problem, some of the causes of stress and some ways to minimise the risk of stress.
The Health and Safety Executive states that ‘work related stress develops because a person is unable to cope with the demands being placed on them’. This can come from any aspect of their life but it often comes from demands placed on them at work.
So why is stress a problem in the workplace?
Well the latest estimates show the total number of cases of work related stress depression or anxiety account for 39% of all work related illness.
Some occupations may be more susceptible to stress but it can affect anyone and can impact on health, ability to function effectively at work and at home and in relationships.
This course will cover an introduction to stress and why it’s a problem, some of the causes of stress and some ways to minimise the risk of stress.
This course awards 2 CPD Points.
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